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April 24, 2007 06:54 PM UTC

Media Love Affair with Wadhams Continues

  • by: Colorado Pols

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: The Colorado media LOVES Republican Chair Dick Wadhams. Today the Rocky Mountain News devotes an entire article, complete with a picture, to the fact that Wadhams was at a House Education Committee meeting.

The stocky guy sitting quietly in the back row drew attention Monday as the House Education Committee debated Gov. Bill Ritter’s school funding plan.

“I’m trying to learn everything about the $1.8 billion property tax increase by the Democrats and Gov. Ritter,” explained Dick Wadhams, the state Republican Party chairman.

Wadhams plans to frame the issue exactly that way in the 2008 election. Republicans will raise the issue even if the plan dies in the legislature, Wadhams said.

Why is this news? Dick Wadhams sits in on a committee in the legislature! So what? Who cares? Dick Wadhams is turning into Jennifer Aniston, with the Colorado media dutifully playing the role of paparazzi.

Dick Wadhams appears at the State Capitol!

Dick Wadhams walks his dog!

Dick Wadhams goes shopping!


45 thoughts on “Media Love Affair with Wadhams Continues

    1. So Dick has an effective flack, probably himself, and is the last hope for Repulsive Republican Radicals.

      This town is so lacking in celebrities, that anyone can be one. Even a party’s state chairman.

      1. You are so on.  I am one of those Colorado Republicans hanging on by a thread…A friend of mine who attended the West Slope dinner held recently for Dick left in disgust, saying that he still doesn’t get it.  The official party line is “Stay the Course”.  If he’s the best the RRR’s have…I say we give him a LOT of media time — he’ll be the best advertisement the Dems’s have.  So, while we’re at Dick….why don’t we compare our efforts in Colorado to solve the education problem with my parties $500 billion…and growning “investment” in Iraq?  Don’t lecture me on being the party of lower taxes — you’re doing nothing but supporting an agenda that is bankrupting this county and the future generations of my family.  It is nothing but a delayed tax….

        1. Not for being a Dem, but for being disgusted at where your party has gone.

          Don’t give up.  You and the R’s like you have a lot of Democratic support.  We wish you well.

  1. A Red Shirt gets a little press and you guys blow a circuit. If Ritter or his wife change the wall paper the local TV staions are there with cameras to say ooh ahh you soooo smart! Molly Hughes was in the mansion more often than the maid.

    1. Ritter is the GOVERNOR. Whether it’s Bill Ritter or Bill Owens, the activities of the governor is always news. What Dick Wadhams or Pat Waak do on a daily basis is NOT news.

      1. Wadhams for attracting the press, or the press for being attracted to him?  Some people engender interest and excitement, some don’t. 

  2. From the tyranny of the fringe-left anti-Americans. God Bless Dick Wadhams, and Here’s to a successful year for the GOP…It is time Colorado stopped the bleeding hearts, and got back to using its brain.

    Vote Republican.

    1. Who barely control one of the three branches of government, and whose “anti-American” proposals are supported by solid majorities of Americans.

      Don’t let me ruin your downtrodden narrative with facts, though.

    2. I have a heart and a brain. The two aren’t incompatible, and I’ll match either one of them against those of any conservative any day of the week.

      1. by most of us here, left and right. Poor guy is only capable of this sort of trolling (read through his comments sometime if you can stomach them).

      2. that anyone who disagrees with them is automatically anti-american. I’ve never understood their approach to dissident being anti-american, since dissident itself is a founding principle of this great nation. 

        However, If in fact it’s totalitarianism that they are advocating for, where the voices are silenced and corporatists run everything, then they in fact are the anti-americans who should be shown for what they really are. John Andrews and the far-right camp in Colorado has shown they will not accept opposing views, lifestyles, or ideals. Call it what you will, but that’s not American.

  3. It’s interesting that the Rocky chose not to include reporter Berny Morson’s contact information only for the Wadhams “article.”  (Hint: he’s morsonb@rockymountainnews.com)

    The other two articles under his byline published in the last 24 hours both have a nice handy email link along with a contact telephone number:

    I think the Rocky wanted to flush this Wadhams puff piece out and then cover their ears and go back to what they do best: watching their subscriptions dwindle.

  4. Wadhams took a double digit lead held by Gail Schoettler with two weeks to go and turned it into an Owens win in a Democrat year nationally in 1998.

    Wadhams kicked the hell out of Tom Strickland in 2002.

    Not only did he whoop Strickland he led the Republicans back to control in the State Senate.

    Wadhams kicked the hell out of Tom Daschle in 2004.

    Sure that dumb  hillbilly Senator in Virginia lost but no one blames Wadhams for that one.

    Republicans are going to win some Colorado seats in 2008.

    1. GOP going to win “some Colorado seats” with Wadhams at the helm? 

      Wow, what confidence!

      To win some seats he needs Republican candidates for U.S. Senate, CD 7, CD 3, CD 2. . . . etc.

      They’re not exactly lining up. 

      1. Technically “some” can be defined as “more than one.”  I have every confidence that at least two Republicans will be elected to the legislature next year.

    2. Wadhams had a candidate with deep pockets and a $5 Million war chest and still lost to Ben Campbell.

      When has ever won a race that he did not have a registration advantage?

      Not in Colorado, not in South Dakota.

      In his win with Owens, he had a registration advantage; in his win in South Dakota, he had a registration advantage, in his win against Strickland, he had a registration advantage.

      If it ia true, as my conservative friends on the blog like to point out, that this is a conservative Republican leaning state, despite recent history, why is it such a miracle that Wadhams won races here in the late 90s?
      The state today is much different in its political make-up and the mood in the country is different than it was in the late 90s.  Wadhams really wasn’t challenged then, he will be now.

      A miracle worker wins when the odds are against you, not in your favor.  Back then Wadhams had the odds in his favor, not now.

      1. I don’t think Wadhams is a miracle worker.  In Colorado we aren’t looking for a miracle-worker.  We’re just lookin’ for someone to right the GOP ship. You’re thoughts on registration advantage and Colorado’s red tint are all correct.  But having those things doesn’t guarantee you a victory.  Tim Johnson’s still a senator in South Dakota and Ken Salazar is still a senator in Colorado.  The reason Allard and Thune both won is that they had a superb guy–Wadhams–running things making sure that the conservative candidates capitalized on the registration advantages and conservative leanings of their respective states.

        Wadhams will have a challenge next year mirroring that of six years ago in the Allard race.  It’ll get real tight, the numbers will be sticky, and y’all will think you’ve got this state bagged.  But you won’t for three reasons–two of which you’ve already stated:

        1.) Colorado is a red state (don’t argue, folks, just be kind enough to go look at a damned CNN 2004 election map)

        2.) GOP registration advantage–whether it waning or not–it’s still there.

        3.) Dick Wadhams–he won’t win a race–but he’ll make sure you don’t lose it.

        1. “Faith is a charisma not granted to all; instead man has the gift of thought, which can strive after the highest things.”

          Carl Gustav Jung

        2. You were making a good argument til you gave point # 1. The definition of red or blue state isn’t stuck in time at one particular election, nor is it dependent on presidential elections only. And even if it were, if we’re going to predict the future we need to follow trends and things are trending away from red to blue.

          That said, this is otherwise a well-reasoned post. But we have to take away points for using point # 1 to support your argument.

          1. If you ever want to put your analysis to the “am I favoring my own political philosophy when I make this argument” test – that is, if you want to make sure you’re being impartial when you’re making your analysis – imagine the situation with all the roles reversed and see if you still come to the same conclusion. For example, if Colorado had been blue in 2004, had (and has) a Democratic registration advantage, but had recently seen both houses of the GA go from Dem to GOP control for the first time in decades and recently elected a GOP governor who quite roundly beat his Dem opponent, would you still say “Colorado is a blue state, just look at the 2004 election results?”

            1. Another “test” I use is exaggeration.  If a premise is held out to be true, what happens if we ramp it up?

              You know, if the government revenues increase when the tax rates go down (pardon me while I hock one…), then obviously the government should not collect taxes, which will result in a cornucopia of revenues.


  5. Where is the Democrats press operation?????? If they let him continue to talk to the press without snappy responses, they lose, lose, lose.  The press will print their responses, the press loves a good press release war.  Less work for them to do. So, why doesn’t the Democratic party have someone following this guy around and responding to this crap.  Last time I knew, any tax increase had to be approved by the voters.  Where was that line?  Where was the line that the Democratic majority in the legislature is at least willing to consider alternatives.  All the Republicans were willing to do was bring up crap on the social issues to play to their base and get our state into one lawsuit after another because of their unconsititutional crap.

    And oh, by the way, why couldn’t the Democrats sell to the press the stuff about the resolution on Iraq was OK because the Republicans did it too?  The reason is because they have no discipline.  They all need to run their mouths at the podium.  It’s just ridiculous.  Come on Madam President and Mr. Speaker.  Get your troops in line.  Get one person to speak on stuff like this and get your message out.  If everyone needs to me too, then just have them go to the microphone and say me too and no more.  Don’t muddle your message.

    The problem with Wadhams is not that he’s smart or creative.  He isn’t.  But he demands that there be a single message repeated by everyone over and over again and that there be no nuance, no straying from message – ever.  This is why he has won more times than not and it’s why he is dangerous.  Wake up Democrats.  Smell the coffee.  Get with it.

    1. Yup, macaca, macaca, etc.  It was quite effective last November.

      Quick tip: Nothing stays the same in the world, or in the world of politics.  It just may be that the time of Rove and Little Rove is past.

      1. Not Wadhams.  Allen buried HIMSELF with that comment.  Maybe Allen got saved by Jesus–but as messianic as Wadhams is–he isn’t going to dig folks out of the grave.  It was Wadhams that kept that race from getting out of hand–it was Allen that lost it.  That won’t happen here in 2008.

        1. It’s like blaming the kicker for losing a football game, to borrow one of George Felix Allen Jr.’s idiotic football metaphors.  If the campaign is solid, one comment, no matter how stupid, will not sink it.  All macaca did was expose George Allen as an empty suit and the campaign as overly reliant on his smarmy charm rather than actual strategy.

        2. How is that possible since Macaca Allen is now Jewish, and as the so-called Dr. Jerry Fallwell once said, “Jews shouldn’t bother praying because God doesn’t listen to them?”

          1. in Six of One, where the two town “ladies” Banana Mae Parker and Blue Rhonda Lautrec have just been lectured by the town minister,

            “You’d sure think if the Lord God was so almighty smart he’d hire better quality help.”

            Applies well to Falwell, SpongeDob, and the whole crew.

  6. From Colorado Media Matters:

    Summary: The Rocky Mountain News in its April 24 edition reported on Colorado Republican Party chairman Dick Wadhams’ reaction to Democratic Gov. Bill Ritter’s school funding proposal, but it did not offer any comment from Democrats. The News article was the latest example in an ongoing pattern among Colorado media outlets in which they have uncritically provided a platform for Wadhams.

    Read complete item here: http://colorado.medi

  7. This is like having James Carville running the show over at Team Tofu.  It’s big news.  It’s a big deal.  And the fact that Wadhams is providing the sort of energy, excitement, and passion that the GOP will need to win next year, it’s an even bigger story.

    I don’t think Team Tofu really knows how to respond.  They don’t want to get all crazy thereby providing Wadhams with more ammo for ’08.  So they sit back, light the bong, and send form letters to CU protesting the Churchill dismissal.

    All I can say is that the Colorado GOP is very excited about 2008.  Not saying that’s automatically gonna translate into a big year–but it certainly means that 2008 will not, categorically, be 2008.  If you live in Colorado and you believe in conservative ideas and values–that’s a good thing and we have Wadhams to thank.

  8. Under Wadham’s direction the Republicans took back the State Senate in 2002. While Bill Ritter and the Democrats are having a dialogue, a convocation and salon conversation Wadhams will get the Senate back in Republican hands.
    Wadhams will recruit a top tier candidate to challenge Udall.
    Just remember how Bill Owens came from way behind to beat that woman on a horse in 1998.

    1. it’s not even steeping.  We’ll get our ass kicked again..and still won’t learn.  Wasn’t is only about a 50,000 vote margin with Schoettler –in a state, at the time, was solidly Red.  Somebody is aslepp at the wheel…

      1. that is 5,400 vote difference at a time that the Rs had a significant voter registration.

        It had originally been reported that the difference was 8,000 votes (and some media outlets still rely on that incorrect number) but after the canvass it was 5,400.

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